[0:00] So if you come back to that chapter we looked at, chapter 9 of John's Gospel, and I think I want to look at verse 35, verse 35 of the chapter.
[0:17] So we've seen the history of this man, at least we hear, from the beginning of the chapter to this point. So Christ now comes, and it says this, Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and when they had found him, he said unto him, dost thou believe on the Son of God?
[0:44] Do you believe on the Son of God? And he was a blind man, whose eyes Christ opened, and he was a bit shrewd-minded man, and quite straightforward, wonderfully so, and a determined character.
[1:10] And what he knew couldn't be beaten out of him, and nor could he be persuaded into drawing wrong conclusions from what he knew.
[1:31] He would hold to what he clearly saw as truth and fact. He believed Jesus to be a prophet, sent by God, and he stuck to his belief.
[1:47] What are these Pharisees might say? You see, this is the kind of man who can learn, and he can learn more because of his attitude.
[2:00] But the man who knows something, and then trifles with it, is not likely to be further instructed by God.
[2:15] Nothing's more displeasing to God than trifling with the Word of God, and trifling with what you've already learned.
[2:28] And just kind of tampering with your conscience, and not following the guidance of the light, which you've already received.
[2:39] But to him that has, and uses what he has rightly, more should be given.
[2:54] I've told that, and more should be given to him, and they'll have it in abundance. You think of the parable, the only thing, good ground, is the sort of soil in which Jesus loved his soul, the good seed of the kingdom.
[3:11] And so he thought it was worth, you know, searching this man out. For whom the Pharisees, they had excommunicated them.
[3:25] Jesus thought it was searching him out. That he might instruct him in the divine truth. And so, so far as you've received the light yourselves, you have to act on it.
[3:45] And praise God for that light that he's actually given you. Spurgeon says a nice wee thing in one of his books.
[3:56] He says, if he has given you a cheek, he will give you a full sunbeam before long. Spurgeon says. But, we're called to be upright.
[4:09] We're called to be straight and honest. And say, see you for the Lord. Because he looks for real hopefulness. To that kind of person, the true and upright.
[4:24] A seeker. And it's these seekers that are blessed. You know, it's those people who seek the light.
[4:36] That spiritual light. You know, when we seek that light. When we have the Lord's light before us.
[4:48] We see. We see in light. Psalm 36. So our saviour, having found this man again.
[5:03] Put to him a question. And that's the text of the night. Dost thou believe on the Son of God? So let's maybe consider that question.
[5:18] With the aid of the Holy Spirit. And firstly. Let's look and see. It is an example of a wise, personal inquiry.
[5:32] That's being made here. Christ spoke to this man. Personally. Because he meant to do him good.
[5:46] He didn't invite him. To listen to his sermon. Although, sure, that might have. Be free as good. But. He cut him alone.
[5:59] And he put this. Great pointy question to him. And I put it to yourselves. Do you believe. On the Son of God?
[6:13] You're in a corner. Aren't you? Now. It's personal. It's one to one. Do you believe in the Son of God?
[6:29] If you're a Christian. Then your duty. Is to ask that of others. Our Savior puts this question to the man.
[6:40] When they're alone. He didn't ask it when there were dozens of people around about. Which might be quite awkward for the man. If he'd done that. But he got about himself.
[6:52] Christ then asked. Do you believe. In the Son of God? That's the way to ask.
[7:05] Or be asked. If you're here tonight. And you're kind of halting. Between two opinions. And perhaps. You're kind of a notion that.
[7:17] You do believe in Jesus. And you maybe really don't. Then. When you're asked this pointed question alone. It can help you understand your own position.
[7:35] Your true position. And it should drive you. From that position. To the right one. In the case of this blind man.
[7:49] His eyes closed open. The question. Do you believe. On the Son of God. It led to the discovery. Of a very serious flaw.
[8:00] In his condition. He was spiritually ignorant. He didn't know the Savior. Even though he was standing close to him.
[8:11] And talking to him. He said. Who is he? Lord. That I might believe on him. It's lamentable. A lamentable ignorance.
[8:26] But it might never have been discovered. By him. If the question. Had never been posed. So plainly. And pointedly. You know.
[8:38] We often ask. We often get a failure. To ask that question. We. We. We fear to. Challenge ourselves. Or. Allow ourselves to be challenged.
[8:49] In fact. We can get quite indignant. That one should even. Ask him of us. And we go on. Living on. Lives. Deceiving ourselves.
[9:00] But here's the question. Do you believe. On the son of God. It led. The removal. Of this man's ignorance.
[9:11] And brought him. Into. A clearer light. And it ended up saying. Lord. I believe. I'm worshipping. The one.
[9:23] That he didn't. Recognise. Before. So. For the Christians. Tonight. That's a lesson. On how to challenge folk.
[9:37] Simply. Boldly. Alone. In a corner. But with salvation in view.
[9:49] Not from the own show. Not from any vain glory. In yourself. But I. Showed me. Know something. It's a real. Love. For the person. We often.
[10:02] But a grand show. Don't we. Of our Christian. But not Christian. He sees the importance. Of a small. Simple.
[10:13] Question. You know. It's a bit like. We had a bonfire last night. For the kids. And you think. You're just stacking the bonfire. And these bits of wood.
[10:23] Going on. And on. And on. And it reminds you. Of. Bits of knowledge. Scriptural knowledge. You can get.
[10:34] Through your life. And you. Before you. And you're. And you're stacked up. And stacked up. But nothing's happening. Until the match. Until the match.
[10:46] Comes. And it's thrown into the middle. Of the combustible. Material. Of instruction. Instruction. Already received.
[10:58] Already prepared. And the question. Comes in. Like the match. Do you go in for the son of God.
[11:10] You know what. Away the fire goes. All of a sudden. It becomes profitable. And warming. And effective.
[11:20] That's what happened to this man here. Have you ever been embraced. By Walkman.
[11:32] And ask. Do you believe in the son of God. And that's a real personal thing. I've never done it to any of uplands.
[11:46] You know what man. You pray that the sermons you hear. Are. More personal. Don't you. Because we've all heard sermons.
[12:00] Now and then. And thought. Is that for somebody. Is that for somebody now. I don't know. But. If the preacher told you.
[12:12] What you were really like. You'd exclaim. Boy. He's too personal. On the one hand. It's detached. And the other hand. And the other hand.
[12:22] Oh. It's too personal. That's getting a bit too close to the bone. You know. But to be personal. By the faithful. To each person.
[12:33] Is what we need. That's the mark of. Excellence. In our master. And it should be condemned for it. But rather.
[12:45] You know. We should be condemned for what we intend to remain like. We want to remain unchanged. Unchanged. And I know what it's like to.
[12:55] Work with Andrew. And when he comes and challenges you. Don't condemn him for that. Don't remain unchanged.
[13:06] Ministers. Ministers are sent from God. To deliver. Personal messages. You think of Nathan.
[13:19] Coming to David. And he condemned him. Saying. You're the man. That. So secondly.
[13:31] He can. Looking at this. Text. He can perceive. In the same discretion. An indication. Of. A vital point. To this man. His character. Jesus said.
[13:45] To this man. Do you believe. On the son of God. And he. The man. Had also been aggrieved. By. The conduct of these Pharisees. You know.
[13:55] They wouldn't believe him. And they were. Utterly prejudiced. Against him. And he even. Put him out of the synagogue. You know. He's probably. The talk of the scene.
[14:06] As you would say. In Glasgow. You know. Gossiping about. And. That kind of thing. And so Jesus. Seemed to say to him.
[14:17] Yeah. Yeah. I see. How wrong. Well they have acted. Towards you. I see how true. And courageous. You've been. But the Pharisees. Don't believe me. And.
[14:30] That's the reason. Of the predators. Against me. But do you. Believe. In me. You know. You know. It's quite possible.
[14:44] For me. Not to take part. With the skeptics. And the proposals. Of the gospel. And yet. After all. You may not be a believer. In Christ. So.
[14:57] I've got the question. To you again. Do you. Believe. For the son of God. I've got the question. To come home.
[15:08] Just as Christ. Want me to go home. To this man. Not my quiet. And. Ineemable man. Not my quiet. Ineemable people. You know.
[15:20] Never opposed. Christ. Opened. In our lives. Maybe. Never intended. To do so. And perhaps. It's said. That there's. People. You know. These Pharisees.
[15:30] Who could do. Such things. But. Still. Do you really. Believe. In Christ. Yourselves. Such answers. That's the vital point. Isn't enough.
[15:43] To be. A non-opposer. You must. Personally. Be. An adherent. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. Because.
[15:53] He said. He that is not with me. Is against me. And he that gathereth. Not with me. Scattereth abroad. That's what Christ.
[16:06] Will examine. Of you. This man. Had been suffering. For Christ's sake.
[16:18] He'd been. Kind of browbeaten. And abused. And put out. But Jesus. Is to say. Yes. It's good.
[16:29] That you suffer from me. For truth's sake. And for believing. That I'm a prophet. But. That's not enough. Do you believe.
[16:40] In the sad God. You know. That somebody. He may.
[16:51] Faithfully. Come to church. He may. Suffer. Because of that. He may. Do you. A Bible. Or other.
[17:03] Even religious books. And. Get laughed at. Because of it. He may. Come to every. And be mocked. Because of it. And all that's well.
[17:16] But it's not enough. If you haven't. Faith. In Christ. Then you won't. Be saved. And the point is. This question. Do you believe.
[17:27] In the son of God. This man. Could have replied. To Christ's question. I believe you're a prophet. But Jesus. Would still have said to him. Do you believe.
[17:37] In the son of God. Do you believe. In Jesus. As a good man. Or a prophet. Isn't enough. But by faith.
[17:48] Do you need to lay hold. Of Christ. And his humanity. And his deity. Not just the son of Mary. But the son of God. There's no.
[18:02] There's no. Of hope. For your soul. Without faith. In the son of God. You might say. I believe the Bible. I don't speak against Christ. I believe.
[18:13] I don't be mocked for Christ. I'm so. I'm so good. But. Do you believe. In the son of God. Have you given up.
[18:26] All of a hope. And committed your souls. A carnal interest. To that. Atonement sacrifice. Of Christ. That alone. Can reconcile you. To God.
[18:37] And have God. Look on you. With favour. That's the point. I mean. James tells us. That the devils. Believe.
[18:48] And tremble. And so they should. Because they don't trust the Christ. They don't believe. On the son of God.
[18:59] For their salvation. But if you do. Then it's well with you. But if you don't.
[19:11] It's far from well from you. This man. Might have said. I've had my eyes opened.
[19:22] I was blind. And now I see. Yeah. It was Christ that opened his eyes. And Christ came to him and said.
[19:37] But do you believe in the son of God? Do you give credit. Do you give credit. To the promises of the Messiah? Do you expect him to come again?
[19:49] Are you ready to receive. Him. If he did. And when he's manifest in the tree of the Lord. Do you believe?
[20:00] Do you believe. You know. Do you believe. You know. Some people. Think pretty do things. Can save themselves. You know. Some people give up.
[20:11] Drunkenness. And that's good. Others say. Are changed. Or that thing. Which is evil. And that's good.
[20:22] And that's good. just like this man's eyes were open that was good but it's not the main point the main point is do you believe in the son of God you know morality morality is excellent as far as it goes but without holiness it's useless and holiness can only be produced by a real change of heart and a real change of heart can only be had through that regenerating power of the Holy Spirit who comes to us by a gift of God through Christ and in Christ and so just as silver isn't gold so morality isn't holiness don't confuse them you must do the one again that's the message that's the question again do you believe in the son of God you might be a church door you might be a Calvinist you could be of any denomination but you may go to having a hell of such but if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the son of God you'll never perish you know you know at first he tells us chapter 3 verse 23 and he says and this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son
[22:14] Jesus Christ and love one another as he gave us he's a man you should believe in his name it's an important name if we trust in it we'll never perish and thirdly then the text says there's a hint about the reasonableness of believing in Christ I see there seems to say in not so many ones you've had your eyes opened I get deals done for you but do you believe in the son of God and it's a natural inference on that the one born blind who now sees has had them opened by the divine but have you perceived the truth do you now see it you probably think well he should see it you're not to be convinced you know he's been in darkness forever but now he sees it must have been the son of God you know it's obvious you might think then you will what about yourselves you say do you believe the Bible now why don't we believe in the son of God you say the testimony of the scripture is true then you must believe it you must trust your soul to him he's able to save he can save you you know what faith you must exercise it you're cold to that you've heard the gospel hundreds of times probably preachers have probably battered the doors down of your hearts and maybe sometimes you've been impressed maybe other times you've been back and maybe even wept about it maybe you've seen friends and family save by God and you're not a sceptic you believe
[24:44] Jesus can save and you believe maybe he can save you if you trust him so what reason is there not to trust him don't say you can't believe God says you can he can answer don't call God a liar don't put God's character that way John chapter 14 this one says don't let your heart be troubled believe in God believe also in me and fourthly the text sees the diff a suggestion that's the best ground for comfort to a man who's in trouble look at this man who the Pharisees had cast out with the consequences from that man probably being unimplevable shunned no hospitality a man in full of trouble and Jesus comes to him in order to comfort him he asks not what can I do for you not are you okay he comes and he asks him this question do you believe in the son of God as much as to say if you do that will bring the rest in other words seek ye first the kingdom of God all these other things will be added to you
[26:20] Jesus didn't ask him to comfort himself with the thought that he had done the right thing and he's straightforward about that don't comfort yourself in thinking you're better than other people because you've done the right thing that I'm not as bad as so and so I'm not being you know if you've been treated badly by somebody you know if you've been slandered or unkindly treated or bullied perhaps or being the butt of the joke don't try to get comfort from thinking that you're better rather answer this question do you believe in the son of God that's the essence of comfort if you want comfort the answer to that is in Christ and if you do trust in Christ then rejoice you're saved
[27:32] Christ is fellowship with you in that lowly state and you can go home and you can say my name's written in heaven and if you envy you feel you're in real trouble under real pressure for to serve this faith in Christ is the best cure for every care the best balm for every wound second second second corinthians tells us in the first chapter just in verses three and four blessed be god even the father of the lord jesus christ the father of mercies and the god of all comfort who comforted us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort herewith we ourselves comforted with god comforts in christ comforts in knowing true salvation so lastly when our senior asked this man whose eyes he'd opened do you believe the son of god it was an excitement to the man to confess his lord jesus said he said don't hide that great truth do not keep that precious treasure to yourself and straight away the man said lord i believe and next he practically proved it when he followed down and worshipped him the lord you know like the match the nerd of the bonfire you won't be able to hide it you know if he's not ashamed to own you as his disciple then you should not be ashamed to own him as your master they were so backward in confessing don't profess to believe if you don't but if you do believe in christ then we have to ask ourselves why are you so backward in confessing of faith jesus christ said to all his disciples go ye unto all the world and preach the gospel to every creature the mother therefore shall confess me before men him i have confessed also before my father which is in heaven but whosoever shall deny me before men him i also deny before my father which is in heaven so let's come then you know if we can't hide ourselves a bit come confess love to christ confess that he's yours and let's tell the world about it it's good news for sinners so when you leave here tonight ask yourself do not believe in the son of god we pray that the answer will be yes and it will change how you laugh and think and the lord blesses those that's great