The First Christmas

General - Part 79


Mr Joe MacPee

Dec. 25, 2016


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] We're seeking the Lord's blessing. Let's turn back to the portion of scripture that we read. The Gospel of Luke, chapter 1, verse 46.

[0:12] Luke 1, verse 46. And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord.

[0:31] And this morning, although it's not morning of course, this Lord's Day, I want us to look a little bit at this particular portion of scripture.

[0:44] So, firstly, a short word of introduction to the narrative here. Secondly, some words regarding this great psalm of praise. This great prayer of Mary, which is commonly called the Magnificat.

[1:05] The Magnificat. And then thirdly, and in particular, I want us to look at this particular prayer and the various elements of that prayer as we have it from verse 46 down to verse 55.

[1:19] So, a word of introduction. Luke's Gospel, and in particular this account, as we have it in Luke 1 and Luke 2, should be familiar territory to all of us, regardless of the time of year.

[1:38] This should be familiar territory. We should read these words often. And read this portion of scripture as often as we possibly can.

[1:51] And not just at Christmas time. And not just related to everything associated with Christmas. With Christmas carols or Christmas hymns or Christmas songs.

[2:05] This particular song or psalm is the first Christmas carol. A carol, by the way, it's just a hymn or a song.

[2:18] This is the first Christmas carol. And this is the first time that we come across this kind of remarkable song coming out from the heart of Mary.

[2:34] Who has been chosen by God to bear the saviour in her womb. The second Christmas carol is Zacharias' prayer.

[2:46] Zacharias' prayer. It shouldn't surprise us in a sense that at this momentous occasion of the birth of our Lord that there should be singing.

[3:01] When the world was created, there was singing. The Bible makes that clear to us. In the book of Job on chapter 38 and verse 7, we're told that when God created all things by the word of his power, that the angels sang.

[3:19] That the angels sang. The angels sang. At the birth of the world. Out of nothing. And at the birth of the one.

[3:32] Who created the world by the word of his power. That is singing. That is singing. That is singing in the heart. Of Mary. Of Mary. Of Mary. Of Mary.

[3:43] Of Mary. Not only that, there was singing in heaven. His nativity was heralded by the angels. And the heavenly host of the angels were singing songs of praise.

[3:58] We see that in the second chapter of this gospel. Luke's gospel chapter 2 at verse 13 and 14. And suddenly there was with the angel. A multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace.

[4:16] Good will toward men. And the gospel message produces this great music of the heart.

[4:29] Music of the heart. And one of the most interesting observations about these two great psalms of praise from Mary and from Zephyrus.

[4:43] Is that it contains very little original material. Because they are based largely on quotes from the Old Testament.

[4:58] Or allusions to the Old Testament. It's one of the remarkable things. And we'll see that, I hope, as we go on. How this prayer is embedded firmly in the word of God.

[5:13] And it's full of God's prophecies and promises of a redeemer. Who would redeem his people from their sins.

[5:27] But it also provides us with a remarkable narrative in terms of Mary's own personal need of. And faith in this redeemer.

[5:39] So let's focus on Mary's psalm of praise. Commonly called, as I said, the Magnificat.

[5:49] Magnificat simply means, my soul magnifies. My soul magnifies. This great psalm of praise comes as a response, firstly, to the visit of the angel Gabriel.

[6:08] And what a message Gabriel brings to Mary. That she would be the mother of the Messiah.

[6:20] That she would be chosen by God for this great honour. And for this great favour that she's found in the eyes of the Lord.

[6:31] And she's overwhelmed, as it were. She was troubled at his saying and considered what manner of greeting this was.

[6:42] And the angel said to her, do not be afraid, Mary. For you have found favour with God. How can these things be, she said. How can these things be?

[6:55] The Holy Spirit will come upon you. And the power of the highest will overshadow you. Therefore also that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.

[7:08] There was to be a miraculous conception. An overshadowing of the Holy Spirit over Mary.

[7:21] And of course as you know, and you've heard I'm sure many times before. The same picture you have. When the world was created with the Holy Spirit overshadowing the darkness.

[7:35] This brooding over it. And out of that overshadowing comes the formation of the world as we have it. And here you have the same overshadowing.

[7:48] The same brooding. And out of that you have this miraculous conception. By the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin.

[7:59] And this psalm of praise gives you a marvellous glimpse into the life of this young Jewish teenager.

[8:10] Because that's what she was. A young Jewish teenager. A descendant of David. She was of royal blood. As was Joseph.

[8:20] The man to whom she was betrothed or engaged to be married. Of royal blood. But it's quite obvious that the house of David had fallen on hard times because she was poor.

[8:35] She was just, as it were, an nobody. And yet she was chosen by God to be the mother of the Messiah.

[8:48] And it wasn't because of anything in herself. But the sovereign grace of God. The sovereign grace of God.

[9:00] And what a message the angel Gabriel came with. And what faith it required. What faith it required. This is real faith.

[9:15] Laying hold of God and his promise of a Messiah. And not only that. But Gabriel also confirms to her that her cousin Elizabeth.

[9:26] Your relative has also conceived a son in her old age. And this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible.

[9:41] She's told about this other miracle. The miracle that Elizabeth was to have a child. In her old age and in her barrenness.

[9:52] And she goes to Elizabeth's house. And she greets Elizabeth. And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary.

[10:06] The babe leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Filled with the Holy Spirit.

[10:18] And she breaks forth in her own psalm of praise. Blessed are you among women. And blessed is the fruit of your womb. And she goes on.

[10:29] Blessed is she who believed. For there will be a fulfillment of those things. Which were told her from the Lord. And the remarkable thing is that Mary's Magnificat.

[10:44] Is her response from the visit of the angel Gabriel. And the confirmation of everything that Gabriel told her. By Elizabeth.

[10:56] The confirmation. Of all that the Lord had told her through Gabriel. And through Elizabeth.

[11:08] This great Magnificat is a response. It's a response of faith. It's a song of faith.

[11:20] In God's redeeming work. The fulfillment. The fulfillment of those things which are told unto the Lord.

[11:31] The fulfillment of God's precious promises. The fulfillment of God's covenant promises. And may she rejoices.

[11:46] In not only the fact that the Messiah. The Messiah that she bears. Is come to save his people. But to save her too.

[12:00] To save her too. And one of the remarkable things. As I said. Is that this song is rooted in the scriptures. Rooted in the scriptures of the Old Testament.

[12:13] In the word of God. You might ask. How could a teenager. Write. Such. A thing. Well.

[12:25] There's. A number of ways you can answer that question. But I think this is the best way of answering it. Because she knew her Bible. She knew the scriptures.

[12:39] The Magnificat. Evidences. A heart. A heart. And a mind. Saturated. With the word of God. Saturated.

[12:50] With the word of God. She is speaking. What's in her heart. And her heart is full of the word of God. She has been clearly taught the word of God. She's heard the word.

[13:02] She's memorized the word. And when she prays. She prays the word. Because her heart and her mind.

[13:14] Are held captive by the word. What a great moral this is for us. What a great challenge this is for us.

[13:26] Are our hearts and minds. Held captive by the word of God. Do we saturate ourselves with the word of God. When we pray. Do we pray the word of God.

[13:37] We ought to. Or not just to quote scripture. One after the other. But we should know scripture. And we should pray scripture.

[13:48] And we should say to God. God you said this. In this place. And you said that. In that place. And we should be bold enough.

[13:58] To say to God. This is what you've said. Will you not do it? We need. To be saturated. By the scriptures.

[14:09] By the scriptures. It's so important for us. With a new year looming. A time when we're all thinking about various resolutions. I'm sure you've thought of it.

[14:20] Something you would like to do. Well I'm going to start the new year with this. And with this. I did it. As it happens. I did it. Smo and matthew.

[14:31] The thought for the day in garlic. Recently. And I was speaking a little bit about this. The reality is though.

[14:44] That when you look at the top ten things. In the UK. That people resolved to do in 2016. They are the usual things that you see.

[14:56] While I'm going to stop smoking. Was number one. To drink less. To get some exercise. To lose weight. To be more organized. These sorts of things.

[15:08] And it's remarkable. How there are very few things. That deal with the soul. There are things. Really to do. With the body.

[15:18] There are things to do with me. With myself. Very. Very. Rarely do you. See things to do with the soul.

[15:32] But here's something for you. Here's a resolution for you. Make it your number one resolution. To be saturated. In the word. Of God.

[15:44] This great narrative. This great magnificat. Teaches us about the great doctrines of the Bible. The doctrine of the incarnation.

[15:56] The miraculous conception. The virgin birth. Fundamental doctrines. Which the Bible clearly teaches. It does not teach us.

[16:10] About an immaculate conception. An immaculate conception. The Roman Catholic Church teaches. That Mary was protected from original sin.

[16:21] But Mary did not have a sin nature. And was in fact sinless. The Bible. And that came about. And that came about. From a decree. By Pope Pius IX.

[16:33] In 1854. He decreed it. And suddenly. It becomes. Dogma. Or teaching. That is what.

[16:45] The Roman Catholic Church. Teaches us. The immaculate conception. We. We. We. Cannot see. Anyone in the Bible. But. It teaches that.

[16:56] And this. Great. Magnificat. Proves to us. The error. Of that kind of understanding. Of the Bible. So let's look at.

[17:09] What it does. Teaches. It's so important. For us to grasp. What the Bible teaches. I can't stress it enough. I was reading. The other day.

[17:20] I just happened to pick up. A book. Bruce Hunt. The missionary. Some of you may have read. About. About. About. Bruce Hunt. And.

[17:32] When he was. Imprisoned. By the Japanese. Authorities. He was often. And the people with him. They were often brought. To give an account. Time after time.

[17:43] After time. They were marched. In front of the authorities. And asked to give an account. And. They had set. And he had set. And the people with him.

[17:54] Had set before them. That when they spoke. And they had to give an account. Of what they were doing. And their missionary work. They would always speak. From the word of God.

[18:05] They would always speak. From the word of God. And time after time. The missionary. The authorities. Would say to them.

[18:16] Why do you keep speaking. From the word of God. It was beginning to irritate. The no end. Because. They said. That's.

[18:27] What we speak. We speak. The word of God. And it was really. It began to irritate. The Japanese authorities. Who were ruling. At that time. That they.

[18:38] Were speaking. The word of God. It's a marvelous. Picture. Of people. Under. Severe. Hardship. And imprisonment. And they had. Set themselves.

[18:49] This task. Every time. That they were. Going to speak. They would speak. Not of themselves. But from the word. Of God. Well let's see.

[19:01] What the word of God. Teaches us. And may we. Be filled. With the Holy Spirit. And may we. Begin to sing. Songs of praise.

[19:13] In our own heart. My soul. Magnifies. The Lord. She begins. Her prayer. Where every prayer.

[19:25] Must begin. With God. With God. Himself. This is the main theme. Of her prayer. God.

[19:36] And his glory. God. And his glory. The Bible. Itself. Begins. With God. And his glory.

[19:47] The first. Four words. Of the Bible. In. The. Beginning. God. God. In the beginning.

[19:58] God. Everything that was created. Including me. And including you. Created for his glory. To live.

[20:09] For him. To live for him. Sin. Of course. Has spoiled that. And sin. Has caused us. To live for our own glory.

[20:21] We want to steal the glory. For ourselves. When we have none. None. No glory. All we have. Is.

[20:33] Wrath. And curse. Pronounced over us. By most holy God. For our sin. May it be.

[20:45] That God. Would lift that wrath. And curse. From yourself. If you haven't come to believe in it. Because unless. God. Himself. Lifts that wrath.

[20:56] And that curse. From you. Then you'll die. In that condition. And that's a fearful. Fearful condition. Psalm 115.

[21:08] Is one of the great psalms. That teaches about this. Great doctrine. Not unto us. Lord.

[21:19] Not unto us. But to thy own. Name be the glory. Psalm 115. Not unto us. O Lord. Not unto us. But to your name.

[21:31] Give glory. It's almost as if that. Psalm. Which is also a prayer. It's. It's full of intensity. Against any notion.

[21:43] That he should lay claim. To any glory himself. That's. A regenerate heart. That's the heart and mind.

[21:54] Of a Christian person. Wanting God. To have all the glory. And. Disclaiming. Fervently.

[22:05] Disclaiming. That we should lay any claim. To any. Glory. What. So ever. The wonderful thing.

[22:19] About the gospel. Of course. Is this. That. God knew. And God knows. That. In our sin. We could never live.

[22:30] In a way. That would give glory. To God. We could never live. In a way. That could give glory. To God. So what did God do? He sent his son. To live.

[22:41] The life. You couldn't. To die. On your behalf. And to rise again. Conquering sin. And death. And he did this.

[22:52] Not just to forgive you. For your sins. But included. In the forgiveness. Of sin. Is forgiveness.

[23:02] For your allegiance. To your own glory. Your allegiance. To self. He did it too. Of course. That you would have grace.

[23:15] The grace. You need. To live. For his. Glory. My soul. Magnifies. The Lord.

[23:27] Mary was given. A great privilege. The mother. Of the promised. Messiah. But her concern. Is not to magnify herself. Or her blessing.

[23:38] But the greatness. And glory. Of God. And the remarkable thing. About this prayer. Is that it draws. Our attention to this.

[23:49] The truly. Important thing. Is not. What God. Has done for us. But who he is. Who he is. It is because.

[24:03] Of who he is. That he acts. In redeeming. Grace. And mercy. Towards us. It is because.

[24:14] Of who he is. Does your soul. Magnify the Lord. Does your soul.

[24:25] Magnify the Lord. That's the question. That confronts us. As the Bible. Confronts us. How can it.

[24:37] If you are wallowing. In your own sin. And in the pleasures. Of sin. Of sin. Ah. But the Bible speaks. About the pleasures. Of sin.

[24:47] Doesn't it? Yes it does. And what does it say? Ah. They don't last. They will never satisfy. Your soul. It disappeared. It's over.

[24:59] It's gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. And then suddenly. You're on to the next thing. And that's gone. The next thing. That's gone. But that's deep in your soul.

[25:12] God. God embeds. His Holy Spirit. His Holy Spirit. And you can go further. And you can say that Christ himself comes.

[25:23] Christ himself comes. To live in the heart of his people through the Holy Spirit. One of the great doctrines of the Bible is this.

[25:34] The abiding presence of Christ in the soul. So much soul that we know that he's gone to heaven.

[25:45] We know that he sits on the throne of heaven. But he is no less in your heart. That's the teaching of the Bible.

[25:56] He is no less present in your heart. Oh what a privilege you have. You look at Mary and you say.

[26:06] Well what a privilege she had. There is a sense. It's a remarkable privilege. But there is a sense in which you privilege. And my privilege. If we confess.

[26:17] To believe in Christ as your saviour. Is there a sense greater? Christ himself. Come. To take up his place in your heart.

[26:30] By the Holy Spirit. What a privilege. Does your soul magnify the Lord? That's the question. That's the question.

[26:42] And my spirit has rejoiced in God my saviour. She expands her prayer. She expands her prayer. She expands her prayer in a remarkable way.

[26:56] Almost her whole being. Captured by this remarkable praise. Praising God. God the saviour.

[27:07] Come to save her. Come to save his people. Come to save his people. Come to save. How often in the Bible we see that in the Old Testament.

[27:20] These words of God coming to save. Coming to save. Coming to save. Coming to deliver his people. There are too many of these references to quote.

[27:31] But you know yourselves. Some of these great remarkable marriages. Psalm 18. At verse 26.

[27:42] Blessed is he that comes. In the name of the Lord. The very words that are quoted in John's Gospel. In chapter 12 and verse 13.

[27:56] Blessed is he who comes to save. To save. And when Mary refers to rejoicing in God my saviour.

[28:08] She is specifically referring to that redeeming grace. Grace of God. That God is redeeming his people.

[28:21] And he's going to come in a fulfilment of everything that he's promised. And prophesied. He's going to come down. For the condescension of God.

[28:33] The condescension of God. God come to us. Do you know that Jacob's ladder.

[28:44] The use of the word ladder is a bit unfortunate. Because it's not really a ladder. As such it's a stairway. A stairway.

[28:56] When you think of a ladder. You often think of climbing a ladder. Do you not? That would be natural for us. If you put a ladder.

[29:07] You're going to climb the ladder. The picture. That. And the vision that Jacob got. Was of a stairway.

[29:18] A stairway that is directed. From heaven. To the earth. Towards. Jacob. God is initiating the activity with Jacob.

[29:30] He is descending. Towards. Jacob. Towards. Jacob. And the picture you have there. In Genesis 28. Is of. The pre-incarnate Christ.

[29:43] Initiating the activity. And coming to speak. To Jacob. And when that. Narrative. Is.

[29:54] Presented to us. In the. New Testament. In John 1. And verse 51. The ladder. Is missing. From that narrative. Why is it?

[30:05] Because Jesus himself. Is the stairway. He is the one. Who connects. Heaven. And earth. He is the word. Made flesh.

[30:16] And dwelt. Among us. And tabernacled. And tabernacled. Among us. The ladder. Is not something.

[30:26] We ascend. Towards. Heaven. No. Never. Rather. It is Jesus. Descending. The condescension.

[30:38] Of God. Jesus. Descending. From the glory. Of heaven. To become. The God. Man. To become. The saviour.

[30:48] The suffering. Saviour. The sinless. Sin. Bear. It is a metaphor. Not of. Our. Ascent. But of.

[30:59] Christ's. Descent. Mary. Acknowledges that. She. Acknowledges that. She's a sinner. That she needs.

[31:09] To be saved. We. We. Are. To acknowledge. That we. Need. To be saved. We. Stand. In need. Of. Salvation. Salvation. And she.

[31:24] Sees. Nothing. In herself. That merits. Or contributes. To. Her salvation. Holy.

[31:34] And completely. On who. God is. And what. God. Does. For. He. Has. Regarded. The low. Estate. Of his. Maid. Seventh.

[31:46] For. Behold. Henceforth. All. Generations. Shall. Call. Me. Blessed. And here. She. Witnesses. To the. Very. Fact.

[31:56] That God. Looks. On the. Humble. But the. Proud. He. Sees. Afar. Off. Here. She. Is. Again. Saturated. With the. Old. Testament. Saturated.

[32:06] With. These. Great. Thoughts. Of. God. Looking. Down. On the. Lowly. And the. Humble. And the. Contriding. Heart. And. Coming. Coming.

[32:18] Coming. To. Live. With. Them. Coming. To. Speak. To. Them. Coming. To. Look. Upon. Them. That. Great. Narrative. In. Isaiah. 66. Upon.

[32:28] Who. Who. Will. I. Look. God. Says. Who. Will. I. Look. Oh. No. I. Will. Look. Upon. Them. Who. Are. Lowly. And. Comprite. In. Heart. And. Who.

[32:38] Tremble. At. My. Word. My. Word. Yeah. And. She. Witnesses. In. A. Most.

[32:48] Marvellous. Witness. Of. That. Sovereign. Grace. Of. God. The. Chose. Her. Because. Of.

[32:58] God's. Sovereign. God's. Sovereign. And. Yes. She's. Going. To. Be. Called. Blessed. Because. Of. The. Marvelous. And.

[33:08] Mysterious. Way. Which. God. Has. Called. Her. There's. A. Remarkable. Passage. In. The. Same. Gospel. In. Luke. Chapter.

[33:19] 11. Verse. 27. We. Read. These. Words. Somebody. A. Certain. Woman. As it may. Have. Shouted. Out. Of. The.

[33:29] Crowd. And. Says. To him. Blessed. Blessed. Blessed. Is. The. Woman. That. Bore.

[33:39] You. And. The. Breasts. Which. Nurses. You. But. Jesus. Said. He. Said. Blessed. Is. The. More. Than. That. Or. Yea.

[33:49] Rather. Blessed. Are. Those. So. Hear. The. Word. Of. God. And. Keep. It. But. Mary's. Humility.

[34:02] Mary's. Humility. Her. Heart. Has. Been. Humbled. By. The. Grace. Of. God. By. The. Grace. Of. God. And. Her. Humility. Shines. Through.

[34:13] For. He. Who. Is. Mighty. Has. Done. Great. Things. For. Me. And. Holy. Is. His. Name. She. Acknowledges. Here. God. As. The. Mighty. One.

[34:24] How. Often. In. The. Old. Testament. Do. We. Come. Across. This. Great. Truth. God. As. The. Mighty. One. The. Mighty. God. Always. Used.

[34:35] In. The. Old. Testament. In. Terms. Of. Redemption. Redemption. Holy. Is. His. Name. She. Stands. As.

[34:45] It. Were. Face. To. Face. With. An. Infinitely. Holy. God. And. She. Rejoices. With. Confidence. Knowing. That. This. God. Yes. This. Holy.

[34:55] God. Is. Her. God. And. Has. Caused. Her. To. Stand. Before. Him. Before. Him. This. Psalm.

[35:06] Of. Praise. Is. Full. Of. That. Of. That. Fear. And. Trembling. That. All. And. That. Adoration. And.

[35:16] His. Mercy. She. Goes. On. Is. On. Those. Who. Fear. Him. From. Generation. To. Generation. He. Has. Shown. Strength. With. His. Arm. He. Has. Scattered. The. Proud. In.

[35:29] He. Has. Put. Down. The. Mighty. From. Their. Thrones. And. Exalted. The. Lowly. He. Has. Filled. The. Hungry. With. Good. Things. And. The. Rich. He. Has. Sent. Away. Empty.

[35:41] Her. Praise. And. Her. Adoration. Goes. Beyond. Herself. From. Generation. To. Generation. Even.

[35:52] Our. Generation. His. Mercy. Is. On. Those. Who. Fear. Him. From. Generation. To. Generation. She.

[36:04] Is. Speaking. The. Language. Of. Faith. The. Language. Of. Canaan. Covenant. Language. Covenant. Language.

[36:17] She. Is. Speaking. About. Christ. Christ. Alone. Christ. Alone. Alone. This. This. Is. The. Gospel.

[36:27] Of. Of. Of. Of. Of. Christ. Remember. Please. Remember. That. The. Gospel. Demands. Exclusivity. To. Christ. It.

[36:37] Is. Christ. Alone. Alone. God. And. She. Continues. Her. Psalm. Almost. As. She. She. She. She. She. Singing.

[36:49] This. Psalm. She. Reflecting. Back. On. History. And. God. Unfolding. In. History. Of. His. Promises. The. History.

[36:59] Of. The. World. Is. Almost. Unfolding. And. God. Dealing. With. The. World. Unfolding. Because.

[37:09] It's. All. Part. Of. God's. Plan. All. Part. Of. God's. Purposes. And. She. Speaking. She.

[37:20] Speaking. As. It. Were. In. A. Way. That. He. Has. Done. All. Of. These. Things. Already. Looking. Back. But. Almost. As. If. They. Been. Fulfilled. Because.

[37:31] She. Knew. That. They. Would. Be. Fulfilled. She. Had. The. Confidence. The. Faith. And. Would. Complete.

[37:41] What. He. Started. He. He. He. Already. Started. His. Redemptive. Work. He. He. Been. Doing. It. Since. The. Garden. Of. Eden. Since. He. Called. Out. In. Mercy. To.

[37:52] Adam. And. Eve. And. He. Been. Calling. Out. In. Mercy. Ever. Since. He. Been. Calling. Out. To. You. How. Many. Times. How.

[38:04] Many. Times. Do. You. Can't. Believe. It. It.

[38:14] It's. Something. For. You. To. Conduct. If. You. Not. Saved. And. You. Coming. To. The. End. Of. Another. Year. In. His. Mercy. He. Given. Us.

[38:25] Year. For. Year. How. Long. God. Has. Been. Doing.

[38:35] His. Redemptive. Work. And. God. Will. Continue. To. Do. His. Redemptive. Work. And. He. Will. Fulfill. And. She. Sings. This. Song. Of. A. New. Age. A. New.

[38:45] Messianic. Dawn. The. Dawn. A. New. Messianic. Age. And. In. A. Sense. Looking. Forward. To. The. To. The. Final.

[38:56] Dawn. When. All. Things. Will. Be. Given. Over. To. God. In. Christ. These. Words. Reflect. Very.

[39:06] Strongly. The. Words. We. Song. In. Psalm. Ninety. In. Psalm. Ninety. Talking. About. The. Overflow. Of.

[39:16] Of. Nations. And. Governments. And. Kings. And. Rulers. Mary. And. Mary. Mary. Mary. Nude. That. God. Was. Turning. The. Whole. World.

[39:27] Upside down. There's. A sense. In. Which. You. Look. At. These. Narratives. Of. God. Working. Out. His. Redemptive. Purposes. And. You. Can. Almost. Think. Of. It. Like. This.

[39:37] That. God. Is. Is. Causing. A. Reversal. He's. Reversing. Everything. That. Sin. Did. God. Is. Causing.

[39:48] This. Great. Reversal. Ah. Isn't. God. Great. Isn't. God. Great. And.

[39:58] Isn't. God. Still. In. Control. Oh. It's. The. Certainty. That. He. Is. In. Control. That. Has. Comforted. Believers. In. All. Ages.

[40:08] And. It. Should. Comfort. You. Too. And. She. Finishes. With. These. Crows. In. Words. He. Has. Helped. His. Served. Israel. Remembrance.

[40:19] Of. His. Mercy. As. He. Spoke. To. Our. Father. To. Abraham. And. To. His. Seed. Forever. The.

[40:30] Child. That. She. Bears. In. Her. Home. How. Could. The. Lesser. How. Could. The.

[40:41] Lesser. Accommodate. The. Greater. How. Could. A. Human. Nature. Accommodate. The.

[40:52] God. Who. Has. No. Beginning. And. No. End. The. God. The. Son. Of. God. In. Whom. Dwells. All. The.

[41:03] Power. The. Fullness. Of. The. God. God. Well. Only. By. Mystery. Only. By. Mystery. She. Is.

[41:13] So. Aware. That. The. Child. That. She. Is. Carrying. Is. Her. Savior. God. The. Savior. And. That. This. Child. Is. The. Fulfillment.

[41:23] Of. The. Covenant. Made. With. Abraham. She. Is. Tying. All. The. Redemptive. Threads. Of. The. Old. Testament. Back. To.

[41:34] This. Child. To. This. Person. To. The. Savior. To. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. She. Tied. It. All. Back. To. Christ. To.

[41:45] Christ. Who. Is. The. Seed. Who. Is. The. Seed. Paul. Tells. Us. In. He. Talks. About. The. Offspring.

[41:56] And. The. Seed. He. Seed. Not. Of. Seeds. But. Of. One. Jesus. Christ. Jesus. Christ. She.

[42:06] Saying. That. The. Fulfillment. Of. God. God. Redemptive. Plan. Is. A. Person. The. Fulfillment. Of. God. Covenant. Is. A. Person. A.

[42:17] Savior. A. Savior. And. Mary. Is. Aware. That. The. Word. Of. God. And. The. Promises. Of. God.

[42:28] And. The. Prophecies. Of. God. The. Majestic. Themes. Of. The. Old. Testament. They. Are. Certainly. Reaching. A. Certain. Climax. Here. But.

[42:38] There's. A. Greater. Climax. There's. A. Greater. Climax. It's. Not. Just. Bethlehem. But.

[42:49] Calvary. But. Calvary. Mary. And. Mary. Was. To. Know. That. He. Was. Born. To. Die. A.

[43:01] Sword. Would. Pierce. Her. Heart. A. Sword. Would. Pierce. Her. Heart. Heart. The. Bible. The. Bible. The. Bible. The. Bible. The.

[43:11] Bible. And. What. Piercing. To. See. Her. Own. Son. On. A. Three. Suffering. But.

[43:22] What. Rejoicing. There. Was. In. Her. Heart. Along. With. That. Suffering. That. Natural. Motherly. Suffering. As. There. Would. Be. And. Who. Can. Understand. She.

[43:35] Kept. These. Things. In. Her. Heart. What. About. You. What.

[43:46] About. You. This. Psalm. Is. About. The. Gospel. The. Gospel. Is. Not. About. Us. It's. About. God.

[43:56] The. Saviour. It's. About. Jesus. Christ. It's. All. About. Him. It's. All. About. Him. Coming. To. Die. Coming.

[44:06] In. A. Marvellous. Way. As. He. Did. To. Die. In. A. Roman. A. Place. Does.

[44:18] Your. Soul. Magnify. The. Lord. Does. It. Magnify. It. Mays. Do. You. Rejoice. In. God. Your. Saviour.

[44:28] Today. Not. Just. That. He. Was. Born. It. Born. To. Die. Born. Two. Di. And. Di. Did. And.

[44:40] Rise. Again. And. Speak. He. Did. It. The. Lord.