[0:00] let's turn in our vizels to the chapter of god's word which we read ephesians chapter 3 and god would help us to concentrate on the part of verse 8. ephesians chapter 3 verse 8 to me who am less than the least of all saints this grace was given that i should preach among the jay-tiles the unsearchable riches of christ and as god would help me if i concentrate on that last phrase that last clause the unsearchable riches of christ what exactly does the word unsearchable mean it's only used in the scriptures and there is enough twice once here translated unsearchable and on the other occasion is translated past finding out unable to plumb the depths of christ's riches it could be translated therefore unfathomable could be translated untraceable it could be translated inexhaustible inexhaustible imagine that inexhaustible never get into the end inscrutable incalculable incalculable incalculable illimitable all these could be used to try and define this original word that's in reference to the riches which christ possesses christ of course is god and his attributes are therefore infinite and eternal which you might remember if you know the shorter catechism all these attributes are without limit or without end let's just look at a few of these riches of christ take for example look we'll look first of all at his knowledge it's it's unsearchable they're unsearchable jesus christ jesus christ knows everything there is to know about everything there is just think of that christ knows everything there is to know about everything there is jesus christ jesus christ knows everything there is he knows every secret thing that historians have never been able to find out christ knows all there is to know about it unsolved murders false convictions false convictions he knows all that that must surely be an encouragement to those who have been wrong christ knows everything there is to know about history he knows everything there is to know about the future he knows everything about world events that are going to happen he knows about international affairs he knows about every global event and every minute detail of every global event in fact he monitors it and brings it about to pass as our catechism again teaches us he has foreordained we need we need point nothing out to god to christ he has foreordained every minute detail of every global event that comes to pass christ now if jesus christ only knew these things if that's all he knew if he only knew every detail of history and every detail of what is yet to happen his knowledge would not be infinite because because greater than all as that knowledge would be it would be limited to that knowledge it would be quantifiable it would be measurable you can measure it if that's all he knew his knowledge is a way beyond all that it's limitless
[6:10] I read recently Jesus Christ he knows about every he knows all there is to know about every living cell in the human body and I read recently that one cell one cell is more intricate more complex than all that is involved in the running of New York City one cell in your body is more complex than all the intricacies involved in running New York City and what is it what do the scientists tell us how many cells are in your body there are 10,000 billion cells in human life
[7:12] Christ made everyone and knows all that there is 10,000 billion in your body so if you're wondering does Christ know about your issue your problem that's boring and blasphemy Christ's knowledge is effort you can't measure it you can't say he knows this much or you're limiting it to that much it's it's mind boggling it's an inch stop to them to wonder does he know about you and what you're going through it's unsearchable the unsearchable riches of his knowledge but it's also the unsearchable riches of his power he created everything simply by speaking he spoke things into existence he spoke matter into existence he called it into existence matter they're the same liquid and gases he created all things all the energy in the north sea
[8:50] Christ placed it in the exact spot it's in no limit to his power everything that's got power it's his power and he's delegated it to certain geographic locations think of the power of his voice that's why we sang from psalm 29 the Lord's voice in the waters is the God of majesty thunders the powerful voice comes when the Lord goes high the voice of that great Lord is full of majesty the voice of the eternal breaks asunder cedars God's voice divides the flames of fire that's just his voice his voice stilled storms stopped storms and can't the seas his voice cast out demons philus and christ doesn't even need he doesn't even need to speak he just needs to will something that's power power when he when he raised lazarus from the dead he had to confine his command to Lazarus.
[10:29] If Jesus had simply said, come forth, every body in the cemetery would have risen. Would have come forth.
[10:39] But he had to limit it to Lazarus, come forth. Such power in his voice. And as we said, he doesn't even need, doesn't even need to use his voice.
[10:54] He just needs to work. If I will something, he says, if I will something, then it's a power he has. Massive power.
[11:07] All power resides in Christ. It's Christ's power. Any power there is in this world is Christ's power.
[11:19] And he is simply imparting that power to them. And I remember reading once and it affected me as a young person. The question was asked, when did Christ do that mock trial?
[11:34] And that's what it was. A mock trial. You remember, one person raised his hand once, it's not him. Where did that person get the power?
[11:46] to raise his hand and strike the Son of God on the face. Where did he get that energy from?
[11:57] He got it from the one he was striking. Isn't that something? All power in the last analysis resides in Christ.
[12:10] Christ. And he distributes it where he pleases. Where he pleases. Even to those who are crucifying him.
[12:26] The riches of his power. The riches of his knowledge. What about his wisdom? The riches of his wisdom.
[12:39] The unsearchable riches of his wisdom. Wisdom, as you know, is more than knowledge. It's the correct action, the proper response, the wise response to knowledge.
[12:52] Every event of providence, every event of providence is monitored by his wisdom from the sparrow on the treetop and falling to the ground to all the decisions of the US presidents.
[13:11] It's all come, it's all been monitored by him. Every event of providence, Christ is behind it.
[13:23] Christ is garnered it. And nothing is out of sync. nothing is behind schedule.
[13:37] Isn't it wonderful he has a purpose, a plan, a design, and everything that's happening. We think things are in an awful mess, don't we?
[13:52] Not. Everything is according to his plan, certainly not according to our plan, but it is according to his plan.
[14:04] There are factors in every detail of providence. It's wisdom. It's the wisdom that solved the problem.
[14:18] Now, there's a problem in that past eternity, speaking reverently. God had sworn the soul that sins must die.
[14:34] And yet, he wanted people who sinned to be in heaven. But he swore the soul that sins must die.
[14:49] How did he swore? That's why Christ is called the wisdom of God. Christ solved that issue. He solved that problem. And as we mentioned in the Lord, he became human beings and took their punishment so that he died in their place.
[15:09] He died instead of them. So Christ is the wisdom of God. You see, God couldn't just say, well, we'll just overlook their sin.
[15:33] God is holy. He can't alter his standards. He can't reduce them just because we can't we're not. God is holy. Yes, God is merciful, but he's also holy.
[15:47] And this is the dilemma. God is not to have those who he swore. The soul that sins must die. How can he have them?
[15:58] Well, of course, that would naturally go on to the riches of his goodness. The riches of his goodness. Imagine if such a person had such power.
[16:15] Imagine if such a person having so much power was prejudiced or spiteful. What damage? What have could be committed if this God with so much power is spiteful, vengeful?
[16:37] But he is holy. He's just. the soul that sin deserves to die. Justice is getting what you deserve.
[16:54] That's justice. Mercy is not getting what you deserve. Justice is getting what you deserve.
[17:06] mercy is not getting what you deserve. So what's grace? Grace is getting what you don't deserve.
[17:21] And the riches, the riches of Christ's grace, of Christ's mercy and goodness, is that we get both mercy and grace.
[17:34] grace. A sinner who repents and who believes in Christ is made one with Christ. Christ has received all the punishment for all the sins of all who will be in heaven.
[17:54] He's received them all at the cross. He paid for them all. He exhausted the pains of hell. Hell, the powers of hell and Satan didn't exhaust Christ.
[18:06] Christ exhausted it. He drank it all. And that's what he meant when he cried out on the cross. It is finished. The price has been paid in full.
[18:20] The riches of his goodness. He shows mercy. You will not get what you deserve. You deserve hell.
[18:31] you deserve to be punished. I deliver you from your punishment. I take your punishment. You have not been punished. But you see, you're still not in heaven.
[18:44] And that's where grace comes in. You don't get what you deserve, but grace is getting what you don't deserve as well. You get heaven.
[18:57] you get eternal life. You get peace with God. The glories of it. The wonders of it. The grace of God.
[19:09] Mercy and grace. Wonderful. Wonderful. The riches of his goodness.
[19:21] The riches of his wisdom. God, as he said, cannot overrule sin. He can't say, well, we want that person in heaven, but he sinned.
[19:35] Oh, well, we'll forget about his sin. He cannot overrule our sin, but he can forgive it. He can forgive it.
[19:48] And that's different from overlooking sin. Forgiveness is not writing off a debt.
[20:02] You know what it's like. A company is in financial trouble and it's taking over. And a company can say, well, we'll write off the bad debts.
[20:18] Okay? Some people who can't pay their, they start from scratch or slate like the cane. But then, a few years later, the company's taken over again.
[20:32] And the new manors might come in and look over the books. Oh, that debt was overlooked. That debt was written off. It hasn't been paid.
[20:44] We'll call it up now. The first company, he took it over might not call it out. But the second company comes back and says, well, it's not paid. We're demanding it be paid now.
[20:56] That's overlooking the debt. Christ and God didn't overlook the debt of sin. God and Christ paid the full debt.
[21:12] He paid it. So there's nothing owed to God. That's a wonderful position that Christian is in. He owes God nothing because he's in Christ and Christ has paid the debt.
[21:27] So God can have no complaint. He has no complaint against saints. A saint, you see, is not someone who hasn't sinned or doesn't sin.
[21:39] He's someone whose sins have been paid for. whose sins have been forgiven. Whose sins haven't been overlooked. Whose sins have been paid for in full.
[21:52] And God and justice has no complaint. No complaint. God's been paid in full for the debt of Christians.
[22:04] Because the moment you believe in Christ, you're in Christ. And Christ and the sinner are made one in the accounts of God. So when God comes to see you, your sins are paid for by Christ on the cross.
[22:24] It's an important truth that when we believe in Christ, we're made one with him. We're in him. He's in us. We're one. God sees you.
[22:35] You're a Christian. God looks at you. He doesn't say you're sin. He sees his son. He sees his son. And that's a well-pleasing aroma.
[22:48] The riches, the riches of his goodness. The riches of his grace, whatever way you might want to say it.
[23:00] And you see, if you think of this, that God is under no obligation to forgive, to show mercy, except that he has promised to do so.
[23:16] Isn't it wonderful? The creator of the universe, this person with all this power, he has put himself on oath, under oath, to hear the cry of the poor in the living.
[23:36] He has put himself on oath to answer the sinner's plea for mercy and grace. Is that what wonderful? Is that what wonderful?
[23:50] The creator of the universe going on to worms of the dust, who've ruined, who have marred the image of God on themselves.
[24:03] No wonder angels desire to look into these things. God did not provide grace or mercy for the angels who sinned in the time when they could sin.
[24:20] No wonder they wanted to look into this. Why did God do it for human beings when they sinned? Why did God sin? He swam to that awful place of crucifixion for them?
[24:38] They're no better than us, but he did it for them. That's the sovereign mercy of God. He did not choose to do for angels, but he chose to do it for human beings.
[24:49] That's a huge thing for you need. Huge thing for humans. What mercy, what love.
[25:00] No wonder John 3 16 is popular. God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son.
[25:14] He gave them up to the horrific horrors of crucifixion so that we could get into heaven. That's love. That is real love. And isn't the riches of his grace so wonderful?
[25:31] Supposing you kept the law of God perfectly in your heart, in your mind, in your word, in your thoughts, in your life.
[25:47] Supposing you kept it perfectly. A forgiven sinner, the believing sinner, glorifies God more by believing in Christ.
[26:07] And if at the end of your life, you trust Christ, you believe Christ, you repent of your sins, and hand over the responsibility of your sins to Christ, you glorify God more by doing that in one moment at the end of your life in your old age day.
[26:31] Isn't that amazing? You glorify, you bring more glory to God by believing in Christ than if you kept the whole law of God perfectly away from your birth.
[26:46] Isn't that amazing? Well, no wonder when you think of Christ, when you think of what he did, how he was so determined to go to the cross, how he addressed Peter for at least safety and saying, get behind me, don't dare stop me going to my crucifixion.
[27:14] How he loved the sinners, how he was determined, how he set his face like a fruit to go to Jerusalem, how he gave his back to the sliders and to those who plucked off his cheeks, to those who plucked off the air.
[27:30] So determined was he to buy his people back with his own blood, the riches of his grace. Now any sinner at any stage of their life returns to him truly sorry for their sin, commits the responsibility of their sins to him, bring more glory to the Father than if they had kept the whole law of God perfectly all their lives.
[28:07] We ask how can I, a poor person, how can I bring glory to God? That's one way you can bring glory to God.
[28:17] More glory, more glory than if you kept the law perfectly. That's the riches of Christ's grace. What grace is impossible, grace, it's infinite.
[28:34] eternal grace. And the amazing thing is the greatest sinner and scumfy came tonight to the fountain of mercy.
[28:46] And the fountain would still be full because it's infinite. infinite. You can't reduce infinite value.
[29:00] You can't reduce it. You say, I can't get my head around that. That's now we're beginning to understand. We can't get our head around it.
[29:12] We're limited beings, limited brains, limited intelligence, limited understanding. We can't get our head around it. but mercifully, mercifully, we don't need to get our head around it.
[29:28] But we do need to believe it. We do need to trust it. We do need to commit the keeping of our souls to him.
[29:39] that's what we need. That's what we call the power. Trust not in princes, nor man's son, but trust in God's son.
[29:51] Trust in the work he accomplished at the place called Calvary. What was he doing there? What meant the centurion looking at these three men on a cross?
[30:02] Signed that one in the middle. Truly, he was the son of God. what made him say that? Because he cried out with a loud voice.
[30:16] It is finished. Listen, crucified men don't cry out with a loud voice. If they're able to speak at all, there's a whisper, a hunter.
[30:30] But he cried out with a loud voice. He bowed his head and dismissed his spirit. He's in control even on the cross.
[30:41] He's monitored in events. Well, in conclusion, there's two things.
[30:54] We've looked at the riches of Christ's knowledge, power, wisdom, governance, grace, mercy.
[31:05] If you're here tonight and you're not a Christian, you have to meet this Jesus one day and say to him face to face, you have to explain to him face to face why you're not interested.
[31:31] Can you hear about his riches, all his power, all his goodness? Can you hear about that? Then walk away and say, I'm just not into these things.
[31:48] I'm not religious. I'm not into religions. You'll have to explain to him face to face one day why exactly you're not interested in him.
[32:04] Think about that. Think about it seriously. And finally, if you're not a Christian, remember this.
[32:18] Christ bestows his riches, his riches of goodness, his riches of grace, his riches of mercy.
[32:30] He bestows them, his riches, on all that call upon him. How's that for mercy?
[32:42] How's that for grace? How's that for goodness? all you have to do? Read it, when you go home, Romans 10, 12.
[32:56] Romans chapter 10, verse 12. He bestows his riches on all who call upon him.
[33:06] God, I'm going to call upon him tonight. I'm going to call upon him. He bestows his riches on all who call upon him.
[33:22] The unsearchable riches of Christ are offered to you in the everlasting gospel. do not turn your back upon him.
[33:37] You can't get over it, you can't get under it, you can't get around it, you can only turn your back on it or receive it. By the spirit and grace of God, receive it.
[33:51] Call from the name of the Lord, for all who call from the name of the Lord shall be saved. may God the Holy Spirit make his truth, his word effectual to every one of us.
[34:08] Let's pray. Our gracious Father in heaven, we ask that you take the things of Christ and make the flowers for this evening.
[34:23] Unite us by faith to your dearest son. Graciously bless us body, mind, and soul.
[34:37] O Lord, may none of us grieve your spirit, quench your spirit, or resist your spirit. Hear us in mercy, answer us in peace, as we pray only and all, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
[34:56] Amen. Amen. You